Barbara Donachy has a fine arts degree from Moore College of Art and a MPH with a focus on research from the Colorado School of Public Health. She has worn many hats including studio artist, graphic designer, resident counselor for mentally ill homeless women, and U.S. coordinator for Potters for Peace, a US/Nicaraguan non governmental organization where she was engaged in the research, training, and evaluation of a locally-produced home-use ceramic water filter. In the 80s and early 90s, Barbara designed, researched, and coordinated the production and installation of two large traveling art exhibits related to nuclear weapons and nuclear waste. In 2010 her photography, Spanish, and public health skills led her to a summer stint traveling through Bolivia working with John Snow Inc, an international public health consulting organization. She has been involved in peace, justice, and environmental issues for over 30 years and is an avid bicyclist, and backpacker. She currently serves on the board of the Rocky Flats Cold War Museum and the steering committee of Fossil Fuel Free Denver and seeks to use her skills to address climate change.