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  • #4166
    Paul Fleckenstein

    In generating the report, all the text I entered into the existing conditions text field doesn’t display on the report page. How can I get that text into the report?

    Kendall Gross

    Right now the existing conditions text field is limited to what fits on the existing conditions page. I am going to be adding a feature that tells you the character limit for that text field so you will know in advance if it will fit in the available space. One option you could try now would be to take the text that is cut off and paste it at the top of the Pie Graph/Chart Summary Text field with a hard return (atl+enter) or two between the added text and whatever text you already have on that page. That will make the text that is cut off show up on the next page of the report. The space on the pie chart page is limited too, so you may or may not run into the same problem depending on the amount of text you have spilling over.

    Matt Sharpe

    Paul – We wanted to keep the block of text limited since we received lots of customer feedback about them glossing over big blocks of text. If you (or others reading this) have desire to write more than has been allowed we can consider allowing particular areas to run on as long as you want them to. The places I think we could consider doing this for are the letter (p.2) and the Summary (p.3). Let us know.

    Paul Fleckenstein

    Mostly short is fine, but if it is a complicated project with some decisions and different phases, it’s helpful to give a general idea how to proceed with everything. So, maybe the summary page is best.

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