
OptiMiser has been selected by EnergySavvy as one of its partners to leverage HPXML to allow utilities, auditors, and contractors to work together and exchange data more efficiently and effectively.  At OptiMiser are excited about the potential to help more auditors, reach more homeowners, and save more energy through the Optix Audit Partner Program. The adaptability of the Optix platform is a great match for OptiMiser’s versatile and modular auditing tools.

OptiMiser is leading the process of implementing HPXML, and is the first auditing softwares that provides HPXML that complies with all of the program requirements for Arizona Public Service (APS).  OptiMiser worked closely with EnergySavvy, the program administration software, to provide HPXML capabilities for the APS rollout November 15, 2013.

Home Performance XML (HPXML) is an open standard supported by the National Home Performance Council (NHPC) and the Building Performance Institute (BPI) used to communicate residential building performance and improvement data between different software systems. By using a standard language, it allows a platform like EnergySavvy Optix to communicate with contractor auditing tools and other distributed IT systems within the DSM ecosystem.

Adoption of the HPXML open standard removes risks associated with redundant data entry and the administrative overhead associated with it, and offers greater choice among trade allies to use their preferred in-field software tools.


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