EnergyFit Nevada Reduces Costs and Improves Performance with OptiMiser

EnergyFit Nevada is a nonprofit organization that helps residents perform whole-house energy assessments and install energy-efficient home improvements. EnergyFit Nevada connects homeowners with approved contractors, and provides instant rebates and financial incentives to help homeowners lower their energy bills. In 2011, the EnergyFit Nevada program faced high administrative costs related to quality control and data handling. In addition, the program suffered from concerns about the consistency of the customer experience and challenges in contractor recruitment.  Read more...

Cleveland Energy $aver: Proving Retrofit Savings

cesIn 2011, the Cleveland Energy $aver (CE$) program adopted OptiMiser, a BPI-2400 compliant auditing tool, which provided utility-bill calibrated savings estimates for their residential energy retrofit program.  By pairing OptiMiser with engaging pre- and post-retrofit reports, CE$ now possesses the ability to provide comprehensive estimated and verified savings results to homeowners that has set them apart from other energy efficiency programs in the state of Ohio. Read more...

Arizona Public Service is Overcoming Regulatory Hurdles with Automated QA

APSOptiMiser partnered with Arizona Public Service (APS) to deliver an energy auditing software solution for their Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® program.  OptiMiser technology facilitates the energy audit process, calculates accurate costs and savings, and allows APS to generate and export reports to track rebates, energy savings, and audit data. Read more...

Collaborative Approach Between Implementation & Software

GoodCentsOptiMiser and GoodCents presented an AESP Brown Bag Webinar March 26 titled, "Energy Auditing & Data Quality: A Collaborative Approach Between Implementation & Software." During this presentation, attendees learned how collaboration is used to improve program efficiency and consistency with a goal of ensuring superior EM&V outcomes. The speakers discussed characteristics of the collaborative relationship resulting in higher quality and more secure program data. Out of this relationship, some of the best practices include data security, custom report production, in-field quality assurance processes, and complete data capture and process assurance. Read more...

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