Weatherization Programs

Advanced Modeling and Program Management for States, Agencies, and Auditors

OptiMiser NexusOptiMiser is the state of the art in energy modeling software. Built from the ground up for home energy audits and weatherization assistance programs, OptiMiser has all the power you need with all the ability to customize the tool to your operation.

When you need financial modeling, energy modeling, utility bill analysis and energy retrofit analysis, turn to OptiMiser for the tool that meets all your needs. OptiMiser is a powerful tool that works with whatever level of data you have access to provide you the best possible energy analysis and energy saving estimations.

Nexus Project details

View details, status, and history of any project.

OptiMiser integrates with the NeXus program management platform, providing a complete end-to-end solution for states, agencies, and auditors, including:

    • Visibility into all users, projects, and data across agencies
    • Analyze performance over any time period with preconfigured and custom reports
    • Easily add energy measures - supports deemed and modeled savings
    • HPXML data upload and storage for flexible, comprehensive data handling

Specifically optimized to run on tablet formats, OptiMiser has been rigorously tested in the field to provide auditors with a powerful -- but unique to their process -- solution. Program managers can set up workflow and data collection to conform to their agency process. Data management is seamless with most enterprise management systems. In fact, pre-population of forms can be achieved as well.

Contact us for a demonstration of the power of OptiMiser!

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