With over 50 dynamic report pages to choose from, OptiMiser’s report generation technology is
fast, stable, completely customizable, and produces stunning results. We have worked doggedly to produce the best reports, as we know they are the core of many of our clients’ businesses.

reports1 OptiMiser can produce reports directly to .doc, .docx, and .pdf formats. We include factory reports in each style, each with multiple section and page configurations, and each of which can be customized to any degree. Most users prefer our direct-to-PDF report. The PDF report includes up to 44 pages with up to 90 editable photo slots. Stock page content includes detailed information on current energy use with colorful charts, multiple improvement table styles that can include custom items, incentives, and financing, component-by-component descriptions of observations, recommendations, and savings estimates, and more. Users can even bundle other PDFs from their computer into OptiMiser reports.

Report customization

Stock reports can be branded with logos on the cover and in the header. Photos are easily added and can be edited with OptiMiser’s built-in photo editor. Users can instantly select any combination of report pages. They can save their selections to reuse. Narrative sections and data elements from the current project are also editable. Users have a WYSIWYG editing environment where they can edit static text or pick from any of the thousands of OptiMiser variables to build content blocks. reports2 If further customization is desired, we’re always eager to help. We can reproduce just about any report or help users develop their own style.

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